jewelry care


Due to the nature of silver and the process of plating, slight variations may exist between pieces.


Our jewelry is composed of sterling silver or the base metal brass and then plated with one of the following: 14k yellow gold, rose gold, or silver.


We suggest you avoid contact with abrasive surfaces, harsh chemicals and direct contact with makeup and perfume. We also recommend that you don’t wear your plated jewelry in the ocean, swimming pool or shower. It’s okay to take a dip in the ocean while wearing your silver jewelry, but remember to clean your silver immediately after.


Silver: This precious metal will tarnish naturally over time. Regular maintenance is required to keep your silver looking shiny and lustrous. Use a polishing cloth on dry jewelry. Paper towels and tissue paper are too rough and will cause scratches. You may also use a metal cleaning solution to remove tarnish.

Brass: This alloy will naturally develop a patina. Patina occurs with exposure to oxygen, the body's PH, cosmetics, perfume, and other compounds. Use a polishing cloth on dry jewelry. Paper towels and tissue paper are too rough and will cause scratches. You may also use a metal cleaning solution or dish soap and water to remove tarnish.


Plated Jewelry: These finishes are more fragile than silver. Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or polishing cloths. It’s recommended to use a moist soft cloth and gently wipe the surface. It’s also recommended that you do not sleep in your plated jewelry.


Storage: In order to protect your jewelry, store each piece in its own pouch or in a soft lined box. This will minimize the chance of your jewelry getting scratched or tangled. It is also helpful to keep jewelry stored in a cool, dry place and away from direct light.